Leadership Programs Coordinator
(formerly the "Greek Life Leadership Coordinator")
York, PA
Educational Background:
B.A. Political Science, Gettysburg College
M.Ed. Higher Education Administration, Vanderbilt University
Fraternity Affiliation:
Lambda Chi Alpha
Professional Highlights:
Member of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA)
Training for Intervention Procedures (TiPS) Trainer
Past advisor: Order of Omega, Dance Marathon, Panhellenic, IFC
Areas of Interest: Leadership, new member education, risk management, member wellness
Why did you decide to pursue a career in fraternity and sorority affairs?
My undergraduate experience as a member of the fraternity community was highlighted by the formation of a steadfast support network, numerous opportunities to enhance my leadership abilities, and an understanding that we were part of a larger group that was more important than just one or two individuals. That being said, I also recognized that not all of our organizations could claim to provide the same opportunities to their members. It was my desire to help others have positive, meaningful experiences that inspired me to enter this field.
What do you hope to do during your time at Lehigh University?
I hope to build on an already impressive offering of leadership programs available to our organizations and continue advancing the Lehigh Greek community. I also hope to challenge and support members so that they can make the most of the incredible opportunities that come with their fraternity or sorority membership.
What has been your impression of the Lehigh Greek Community so far?
While it is the summer and not many students are on campus, it is clear to me that there is a great deal of passion and pride in the Greek community at Lehigh that I am sure will be even more exciting to experience when everyone returns to campus in the fall!