Thursday, April 24, 2014

Conduct Update: Sigma Chi

On April 23, 2014 a disciplinary conference was held before John Smeaton to adjudicate the
University Code of Conduct charges related to the vandalism of the Umoja House that occurred on November 5, 2014.

The charges that were filed against the chapter were:

·         Respect for Others (General): Lehigh University expects that all students will act in a civil manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility, and respect towards others and the Lehigh Community.
·         Respect for Others (B –Harassment):  As defined in the Lehigh University Policy on Harassment.
·         Respect for Others (E - Interference):  Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the activities sponsored by, affiliated with or participated in by members of the university community, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, administration, fire prevention, police activities, emergency services, and the activities of student organizations.
·         Respect of Others (F – Risk of Harm): Other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person or group of people.
·         Respect for Property (A - Vandalism): Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another.
·         Respect for Property (E - Gross Disregard): The theft, mutilation, destruction, defacing, and/or gross disregard of any Lehigh property.
·         Respect for Community (A - False Information): Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or Conduct Officer.
·         Respect for Community (E - Failure to Comply): Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties.
·         Respect for Community (J - Encouraging Others): Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct.
·         Respect for Self (A – Unauthorized Alcohol): The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.
The incident these charges were related to is described below:
On November 5, 2013 individuals vandalized the Umoja House using spray paint and eggs. In the following weeks and months it was alleged that members of the organization were directed by chapter leadership to provide false, incomplete, or misleading information to University Officials.
After reviewing the information related to incident, the Hearing Officer made the following finding(s) regarding the violation(s) for which Sigma Chi were charged:
·         Respect for Others (General): Lehigh University expects that all students will act in a civil manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility, and respect towards others and the Lehigh Community. – Not Responsible
·         Respect for Others (B –Harassment):  As defined in the Lehigh University Policy on Harassment. – Not Responsible
·         Respect for Others (E - Interference):  Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the activities sponsored by, affiliated with or participated in by members of the university community, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, administration, fire prevention, police activities, emergency services, and the activities of student organizations. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect of Others (F – Risk of Harm): Other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person or group of people. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Property (A - Vandalism): Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Property (E - Gross Disregard): The theft, mutilation, destruction, defacing, and/or gross disregard of any Lehigh property. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Community (A - False Information): Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or Conduct Officer. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Community (E - Failure to Comply): Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties. -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Community (J - Encouraging Others): Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct.  -- Not Responsible
·         Respect for Self (A – Unauthorized Alcohol): The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. – Responsible
As a result of this behavior the following sanction(s) will be imposed:
The organization is placed on deferred dissolution effective April 24, 2014 through December 31, 2014. The sanction of disciplinary dissolution may be placed in deferred status for a limited period of time. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution that was originally defined becoming effective immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters.

The organization is placed on disciplinary probation from January 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for
a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.

The organization will be alcohol free effective April 24, 2014 through May  31, 2015. The chapter cannot host any events in the house with alcohol and individual members are not permitted to have alcohol in their rooms. The chapter can host non-alcoholic events during the probationary period.

Key Facts:
1.       The nature and extent of the vandalism of the Umoja House caused the residents distress and fear for their safety.  Moreover, this incident had a deleterious impact on the campus climate that is intended to be welcoming and supportive of all members of the Lehigh community.
2.       The egging and spray painting of the Umoja House was the result of an individual acting alone without the knowledge or complicity of other members of Sigma Chi fraternity.
 3.       The eggs and tomatoes used in the incident were taken from the Sigma Chi refrigerator which is in close proximity to the room of the individual found responsible.
 4.       The responsible individual was intoxicated, had returned to campus before the incident occurred and was outside during the time period in which the incident took place.
 5.       The leadership and members of Sigma Chi, other than the individual found responsible, did cooperate throughout the investigative process.

 6.       Sigma Chi fraternity accepted responsibility for providing alcohol to minors at an off campus party on November 5.