Friday, June 26, 2015

Staff Announcement: Ashley Baudouin

As you know we have been in quite a time of transition within the area of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs over the past few weeks. With recent departures, we have had the opportunity to think about the best next steps for our Fraternity and Sorority community.  With the support of the Dean of Students and Student Affairs leadership alongside the Residential Services department, we are excited to share that one of our current Assistant Director positions in OFSA will be converted into an Associate Director position effective July 1st. Ashley Baudouin is being promoted into this role and, in this capacity, she will assist the Director in managing the overall OFSA effort with our fraternity and sorority community.

Ashley has worked as an Assistant Director at Lehigh for three years and, over that time, she has demonstrated a strong track record in creating successful and meaningful partnerships with other departments across campus, alumni volunteers, and parents and families. She has also established strong relationships with students, shown excellent communication skills, and a very strong overall understanding of all aspects of OFSA and its role within the Lehigh community.

Specifically in this new role, Ashley will oversee all educational and bLUeprint initiatives within OFSA; be responsible for all communication processes across the department; work closely with chapter and alumni advisors to train them effectively; assist with conduct follow-up and crisis response; and oversee the annual OFSA Accreditation process. Congratulations Ashley on this well-deserved new opportunity.

While we understand that it seems that many changes are taking place, we are truly excited for the opportunity to move the OFSA in this direction while also providing additional staffing support and continuity within the office. Additionally, we will be in contact with council, chapter, and alumni leadership shortly regarding Ashley’s transition into her new role and its impact on her current assignments and responsibilities.

Thank you,
Allison Gulati
Associate Dean & Director of Strategic Initiatives