Monday, January 30, 2023

Fall 2022 Semester Grade Report

     Lehigh University produces grade reports after every semester. Through these grade reports, Lehigh will categorize groups of people based on differing demographics. One of these demographics being students that are a part of Greek Life. The grade report examines the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC), the Panhellenic Council, and the Cultural Greek Council (CGC). The Greek community exemplified academic excellence this semester as the Lehigh Panhellenic Council’s average GPA surpassed all Lehigh sororities, all Greek students, all Lehigh women, and all Lehigh students. The average GPA for the Panhellenic Council this Fall 2022 semester was 3.51. The IFC average GPA for this fall semester was 3.25, surpassing the average for all Lehigh men as well as all Lehigh fraternities. The average GPA for CGC sororities was 3.07, with Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc holding the highest GPA average for the CGC at 3.51. The fraternities GPA average within the CGC was 3.07. The IFC and Panhellenic Council compared remarkably against the Lehigh Community as a whole maintaining a higher average than the total average of students at Lehigh.