Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We're All In This Together: #BlackLivesMatter Resources From OFSA

Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and will continue to be updated as additional resources are identified.

OFSA recognizes that improvements are essential to ensuring education, understanding and accountability occurs surrounding racism within the Fraternity and Sorority community at Lehigh. It is our goal to create a space where voices are heard. OFSA is in the process of auditing our curriculum, programming and staff training as we collectively work towards a better community together. It is on all of us to ensure we are properly educating ourselves and each other during this time. Our hope is that these resources will serve as a starting point if you have not already begun. OFSA will continue to serve all students and advocate for a socially and equally just experience and environment both in the Fraternity and Sorority Community and Lehigh University Community..

Here are some resources we have found helpful as we work to become an anti-racist community. 


How to Help


Lehigh Resources

Mental Health

