Friday, March 21, 2025

Donate to the FSL Student Opportunity Fund for Giving Day!!!

The Student Opportunity Fund (SOF) is an essential resource for helping Lehigh undergraduate students cover costs related to professional development and campus involvement opportunities. Our specific fund helps students that are looking to join fraternities and sororities as well as active members of the community. This fund plays a vital role in ensuring that students have the financial support they need to engage in their college experience fully. However, as more students seek assistance, the funds available have unfortunately decreased in recent years, leaving many students without the necessary resources to access these valuable opportunities.

Your donation can help fill this growing gap, ensuring that all students have access to the opportunities they deserve. This includes providing the financial means for students to join Greek life, an integral part of the Lehigh experience that fosters leadership, community, and personal growth. With your support, we can help students reach their full potential, build lasting connections, and thrive both academically and socially at Lehigh University.

Please use the link below to donate to the fund. Your contribution will directly support students who would otherwise not be able to participate in these important campus activities. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Dissolution of the Live-In Graduate Assistant Program

 Chapter Presidents and Partners in Fraternity and Sorority Life:

In the 2022-2023 academic year Lehigh University welcomed our inaugural cohort of Live-In Graduate Assistants in our fraternity and sorority houses with the commitment that we would continue to evaluate the program for need and impact each year. After several years of consideration we have decided to dissolve the Live-In Graduate Assistant program at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 academic year. This decision was informed by feedback indicating students are looking for more peer-led, chapter specific education and programming, as well as data indicating students are comfortable utilizing campus resources. We believe that a shift to providing that education and support through undergraduate leaders will benefit our members and community at large.

We thank the graduate assistants who currently serve in this role, as well as those who previously served, for their commitment to student support and well-being and for their contributions in making fraternity and sorority life at Lehigh a safe and welcoming space for students. Their efforts, coupled with the new educational programs, increased health and safety initiatives, and updated policies instituted in recent years, have led to fewer alcohol related incidents in our fraternities and sororities. Of particular note is the increased comfort and usage of Lehigh’s Medical Amnesty Policy.

To ensure continued support for fraternities and sororities, we are excited to announce that, beginning the 2025-26 academic year, we will be investing in chapter-elected House Managers through increased training and investment in educational and wellbeing programs that take place in fraternity and sorority houses. This includes an expectation that House Managers are adding to the educational environment of our chapter facilities through regular well-being, leadership, and safety programs and through the distribution of passive materials through the chapter facility. 

The Office of Student Involvement will provide each House Manager with a budget to complete these programs, one-on-one support and advising. Additionally, in partnership with Housing Services, increased training around facility management, well-being, leadership, and health and safety topics, specific for the House Managers, will be provided. You can find a full description of this updated House Manager role here.

The Office of Student Involvement will also host a Graduate Assistant, who will  work in the office 20 hours/week to support this program. Their duties include assisting in the advising of our House Managers and to support health and safety initiatives. You can find the GA position description here.

Occupancy expectations will remain the same for the 2025-26 academic year, but the current GA suites will be made available for undergraduates adding at least one additional bed per house. Please note that the suites will be prioritized for residents who have accommodations through the university. Beginning in the 2026-27 academic year each chapter’s 90% occupancy will be adjusted accordingly to the one bed increase in capacity. Chapters that are able to do so, may choose to place additional students in that suite. Housing Services will have more in depth conversations with House Managers at the Match and April House Manager meetings. 

We are excited to partner with you all on these changes. We recognize that this new program will be an adjustment for our community, and are hopeful that this added layer of support will be well received. You can find a full FAQ below. 

Our commitment to a thriving, healthy, and safe fraternity and sorority community is at the forefront of our work in Student Involvement.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to Fraternity and Sorority Life staff should you have any questions. 


Why is the Live-In Graduate Assistant program being dissolved?

The initial intention of the Live-In Graduate Assistant Program was to better connect undergraduate fraternity and sorority members to campus resources, to better educate members on health, safety, and well-being policies, and to remove a barrier that existed for some students in feeling comfortable calling for police or medical assistance should someone need it. Over the last three years our data has shown that students feel comfortable utilizing campus resources, including calling for help within Lehigh’s Medical Amnesty Policy, and that students are looking for more peer-led, chapter specific education and programming. We believe that a shift to providing that education and support through undergraduate leaders will benefit our members and community at large.

My chapter currently has a GA - will this change anything for the rest of the semester?

No, your GA will continue to live in the chapter facility and support your members as normal through May 2025.

Does anything need to change in how my chapter selects our House Manager?

No, your chapter still has the ability to select your own House Manager. This must be a student in Good Standing with Lehigh University who is eligible for leadership roles and is committed to successfully completing the updated expectations of this role. 

We will ask that your House Manager serves a year-long term on the academic year calendar (i.e. will serve in that role for the fall 2025 and spring 2026 terms). If this is a shift for your chapter, we ask that you spend some time exploring how you can make this change. Please contact Sara Runyon if you have specific questions or concerns. 

What will House Manager training look like?

House Manager training will be a partnership between Housing Service and Fraternity and Sorority Life to take place before classes begin in August. In addition to facility management training, House Managers will develop education plans for their chapters, train in facilitation skills for leading programming, and be introduced to campus and community resources.

What kinds of programs will my House Manager be responsible for?

House Managers will create a year-long education plan to include at least six (6) educational programs for residents on topics such as, safe alcohol consumption, violence prevention, hazing prevention, mental health and well-being and conflict management. House Managers will also be required to host a house meeting to review expectations for residents, share the calendar of events and review relevant Lehigh and organization policies before classes begin each semester.

What kind of support will Lehigh provide for this position?

In addition to support from your chapter’s assigned Assistant Director, House Managers will attend a monthly 1:1 meeting with the Graduate Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life and monthly House Manager meeting with staff from Housing Services and Fraternity and Sorority Life. 

The Office of Student Involvement will also provide a $1,500 budget per year for House Managers to utilize in their programming. Additional funding may be available upon request at the discretion of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Will 90% occupancy  change for my chapter house?

90% occupancy numbers will remain the same for 2025-26 and then be adjusted accordingly for the 2026-2027 academic year. Housing Services will announce the updated capacity and 90% occupancy numbers for the 2026-2027 academic year to house leadership and alumni housing corporations around July 1, 2025.

Will the Graduate Assistant suite in my house be available for undergraduates?

Beginning in the 2025-26 academic year your chapter may utilize the GA suite. The suite will be available during the accommodation housing process. If after that process, it is not needed, the suite will become available for house leadership to assign during the assignment process for all members living in the house. We encourage all chapters to fill their houses based on the occupancy requirement for the full number of available beds.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fall 2024 Semester Grade Report

During the Fall 2024 semester, Lehigh University’s Greek community demonstrated strong academic performance. The Panhellenic Council (Panhel) had the highest GPA average from all councils with an average GPA of 3.52. Among Panhel sororities, Kappa Delta achieved the highest overall chapter GPA at 3.66, followed closely by Pi Beta Phi at 3.61. Additionally, Pi Beta Phi’s new members also excelled academically, earning the highest new member GPA of 3.49. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) reported an average GPA of 3.34, with Delta Chi and Theta Chi leading the fraternities with a tied 3.47 GPA. Delta Chi stood out for new member performance, achieving a 3.09 GPA among its new members. The Cultural Greek Council (CGC) had an overall council average of 3.17. Lambda Theta Alpha led CGC sororities with a 3.22 GPA, while Phi Sigma Chi earned the highest GPA among CGC fraternities at 3.25. Overall, the Greek community’s average GPA of 3.43, along with the all sorority GPA of 3.51 and all fraternity GPA of 3.34, outperformed the all-undergraduate average of 3.32. These results showcase the Greek community’s dedication to academics!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Countdown to Fraternity and Sorority Recruitment!


Are you interested in joining a fraternity or sorority at Lehigh University? 

Our community consists of over 20 individual chapters that offer a unique experience for students looking to join a brotherhood, sisterhood, or to get more involved. 

Please see below about information related to the recruitment/intake process for our Cultural Greek Council. Interfraternity Council, and Panhellenic Council.

For more information please check out the Fraternity and Sorority Life website at or follow us on Instagram at @lehighfsl.

Cultural Greek Council

The Cultural Greek Council (CGC) consists of 5 chapters founded as culturally-based organizations. Students interested in joining a CGC organization should contact a member of the specific organization for more information. Students can attend programmatic and informational sessions advertised by that organization. There are no structured processes or specific time - periods for membership intake. Individual organizations conduct an independent, discretionary process. If there are questions, contact Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Enrique Rosado at  or the Cultural Greek Council at 


All potential new members participating in recruitment must have at least 12 completed Lehigh credits, a minimum 2.500 GPA, be in good standing with the university, and have attended a Greek PREP 5x10. Individual organizations may have higher GPA requirements.

For interested individuals: CGC Interest Form

To learn more about the council, follow them on Instagram @lehighcgc.

Cultural Greek Council Expansion

The Cultural Greek Council is excited to welcome a new organization to their council! 

Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc. was founded on April 5th, 1979 and its four goals are Academic Excellence, Cultural Awareness & Diversity, Brotherhood, and Being Role Models to the Community. You can find more information about Lambda Sigma Upsilon by following them on instagram @r2.upsilons or visiting their website.  

Students interested in learning more about how to join either organization can contact the Office of Student Involvement at

Interfraternity Council

In order to participate in IFC Recruitment, you must register by Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at 11:55PM at the link below. 

IFC Fraternity Recruitment Registration

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) consists of 10 fraternity chapters. The primary recruitment process occurs in the spring semester and consists of events hosted by individual chapters. Students will attend events hosted by chapters they are interested in, and if the chapter expresses interest, the student will receive an invitation to begin new member education. Questions about IFC recruitment can be directed to the) Interfraternity Council at, IFC Recruitment Chair, Matt Molina at, or Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Dr. Alexandra Smith at

Spring 2025 Recruitment Schedule:

Makeup Greek PREP: Sunday, January 19th from 5:15pm - 5:45pm in Rauch 184

Required Kick-off Event: Sunday, January 19th from 5:45pm - 9:00pm in Rauch 184

Open Events: Monday, January 20th - Friday, January 24th

Events By Chapter Invitation Only; Saturday, January 25th- Monday, January 27th

Bid Acceptance: Wednesday, January 29th


All potential new members participating in recruitment are required to have at least 12 completed Lehigh credits, a minimum 2.500 GPA, to be in good standing with the university, and to have attended a Greek PREP 5x10 session. Individual organizations may have higher GPA requirements. 

Panhellenic Council

The Panhellenic Council consists of 8 Panhellenic sororities who host primary recruitment each spring. Primary recruitment registration will close on January 5th. The cost for registration is $50 which includes meals throughout recruitment and virtual training from our partners at Launchpoint.

Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment Registration Link


All potential new members (PNMs) participating in recruitment are required to have at least 12 completed Lehigh credits (transfer credits do not count), a minimum 2.500 GPA, to be in good standing with the university, and to have attended a Greek PREP 5x10. Individual organizations may have higher GPA requirements. If you missed the Greek PREP sessions in the Fall, a makeup session will take place prior to formal recruitment in January.


All potential new members (PNMs) participating in recruitment will receive specific information about pre-arrival requirements for returning to their residence by January 6 2025. It is anticipated that PNMs will sign-up for an arrival time on either Monday, January 13th or Tuesday, January 14th.  Primary Recruitment will begin Tuesday, January 14th at 6PM with a mandatory PNM Orientation session in Rauch 184. The first round of recruitment will begin in the morning on Wednesday, January 15th.


Your presence at all recruitment meetings and events during Primary Recruitment is of the utmost importance. If you anticipate missing some or all of recruitment (e.g. study abroad, Gryphon training, athletic team practice, etc.), please contact Panhellenic Exec at

Should you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Panhellenic Exec at or the Panhellenic Advisor, Julianna Dougherty, via email at


Deferred Recruitment:

First-year students cannot join a fraternity or sorority until their second semester. Knowing that membership in a fraternity or sorority is an organizational obligation and potentially a residential obligation, Lehigh University believes it is important for students to acclimate to University life before making such an important decision.

Academic Requirements:

A Lehigh University student is eligible to join a fraternity or sorority after successfully completing a full-time Lehigh schedule of 12 credit hours or more and earning a 2.500 GPA or higher. Transfer credit hours do not apply towards eligibility. Individual organizations may have higher GPA requirements. 

Student Conduct Implications

Certain violations of the Student Code of Conduct will affect membership eligibility in a fraternity or sorority, including students who have been found responsible for serious violations of the LU Code of Conduct, including involving alcohol/drugs and students found responsible for more than one alcohol/drug violation. Violations include the use, distribution, or possession of alcohol or drugs.  Students will not be permitted to join a fraternity or sorority in the semester the violation occurs, or the following semester.

Please note that Lehigh University reserves the right to restrict student participation in extracurricular activities for a single violation of any type depending upon the circumstances.

Other Requirements:

Students interested in joining a fraternity or sorority in Spring 2025 are required to attend a Greek PREP session. Greek PREP stands for Greek Pre-Recruitment Education Program. As a result of participating in this program, students will learn about the structure and mission of the fraternity and sorority community, policies and expectations, appropriate interactions with chapters, available opportunities that exist at Lehigh and proper communication methods. The Office of Student Involvement  believes this program is an important element in demonstrating to interested students the value of the fraternity and sorority experience so that students are best equipped to prepare them for the opportunity of joining a fraternity or sorority at Lehigh. This program meets the 5x10 requirement for Creative Curiosity. Click here for more information.


If your parent or guardian has questions regarding the recruitment process and membership in a Greek organization, please encourage them to take a look at our Parent & Family website. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Share Your LeLaf Memories with FSL!

As we approach LeLaf, we invite alumni to join in the excitement by sharing their cherished memories from this storied rivalry. The tradition of LeLaf is not just about the game; it’s about the camaraderie, the spirit of competition, and the unforgettable moments that define our time at Lehigh.

Share Your Memories!

We encourage you to dig through your photo albums and send us your favorite snapshots from past LeLaf games. Whether it’s a picture of you and your fraternity or sorority brothers and sisters decked out in school colors, or a candid moment capturing the thrill of victory (or the agony of defeat), we want to see it all! Your memories will help us celebrate the rich history of this rivalry and inspire current students as they embark on their own Greek journeys.

How to Participate

Please send your photos along with a brief description of your memory to Abigail Miller ( by Wednesday, November 20th. We will be featuring these images on our Instagram account the day before LeLaf to get our Greek community excited! This is a wonderful opportunity for alumni to connect with current students and share in the pride of being part of the Lehigh’s Greek community.

We look forward to seeing your photos and sharing in the spirit of LeLaf!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Donations Needed for the FSL Student Opportunity Fund!

As members of the Lehigh community, we all recognize the profound impact that a fraternity or sorority can have on personal growth by offering enriching opportunities, invaluable experiences, and lasting friendships. However, for many students, the financial burden of membership can present a significant challenge. This semester, we’ve seen an unprecedented increase in requests for financial assistance from our Fraternity and Sorority members.

To ensure that our Greek community remains strong and inclusive, we invite you to consider contributing to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Student Opportunity Fund. Your generous support will help subsidize membership dues for students in need, empowering them to engage fully in Greek life without the weight of financial stress.

By donating to the FSL Student Opportunity Fund, you could help to provide much needed aid to members of the community. For more information on how to contribute you can reach out to or call 866-758-ALUM.

Your support can truly transform the lives of students and foster a thriving community. Thank you for considering this meaningful opportunity to give back!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Award Winners!

 The Office of Student Involvement is proud to recognize individuals and organizations for their outstanding accomplishments during the 2023-2024 academic year. Though the past year has certainly posed unexpected obstacles and challenges, our community has shown true leadership and demonstrated what it means to be members of Greek letter organizations.

On April 30th, the community came together to recognize fraternity and sorority leaders.

Individual Awards

Greek Leader of the Year

This award recognizes individuals for their achievements and contributions to the fraternity and sorority community and larger campus community.   Leadership is not limited to those holding positions, therefore consideration will be given to individuals who exemplify many, if not all, of the values of brotherhood or sisterhood, strong character, leadership, scholarship, and service in their daily lives.

Luis Caceres, Phi Sigma Chi Multicultural Fraternity, Inc.

Alexander Weissman, Theta Chi

Kwynsky Miguel, Alpha Gamma Delta

Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority President of the Year

Awarded to the chapter president who has demonstrated superior leadership and service to his/her chapter, as well as to the fraternity and sorority community.  This leader is one who consistently represents their organizational values, communicates a clear vision for success, and leaves their organization in a better place than when they took office. 

Sorority - Jacqueline Vargas-Bines, Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

Fraternity - Aaron Slate, Chi Phi

Emerging Leader of the Year

Awarded to a newer member of the fraternity and sorority community who has shown leadership characteristics within their peer group, fraternity and sorority community, and greater Lehigh community.  These members are enthusiastic about their experience as new members and are eager to pursue leadership opportunities and bring about positive change to the fraternity and sorority community.

Kelechi Anyanwu, Phi Sigma Chi Multicultural Fraternity, Inc.

Andrew Rasmussen, Delta Chi

Emily Sigel, Kappa Alpha Theta

Advisor of the Year

This award recognizes the extraordinary efforts of an advisor who has helped to positively shape the experiences of fraternity/sorority members.  Advisors willingly, often without receiving anything in return, give of themselves to contribute to overall chapter excellence, daily operations, university and headquarters relations, and role modeling through leadership, and thus we encourage nominations for any advisor whom you feel is worthy of this distinction. Nominators should indicate whether the nominee advisor is an alumni or faculty/staff advisor, so that we can recognize and thank the advisors for their contributions from these distinct roles.

William Glaser, Jr., Delta Chi

Commitment to Fraternity and Sorority Life

This award recognizes the long-time commitment an individual makes to a chapter or the community at large. A fraternity and sorority community functions best when all stakeholders are invested - this includes undergraduate members, alumni members and advisors, staff at international offices, Lehigh faculty and staff, and family members. We are excited to have the opportunity to recognize and thank the numerous people who engage with our fraternity and sorority community on a daily basis and help to develop students as positive, engaged leaders. Harry McNally is a member of Chi Psi's 1957 new member class and Lehigh's Class of 1960 and has served as an engaged volunteer for Chi Psi since his graduation. For his long term commitment to Chi Psi and the Lehigh University Fraternity and Sorority Community we are pleased to recognize Harry McNally, Chi Psi Alumni Advisor, with the inaugural Friend of Fraternity and Sorority Life Award, which shall henceforth be known as the McNally Friend of Fraternity and Sorority Life Award.

Harry J. McNally, Jr., Chi Psi

Tradition of Excellence

This award is presented to one or more individuals who consistently exceed expectations in one or more of the following focus areas for college students and active fraternity/sorority members.  This award is intended to affirm the efforts an individual can make in one area that was deserving of significant focus, or in several areas that showcase their ability to impact a community in several ways.  Nominators should identify the appropriate focus areas for which they believe the nominee should be recognized (listing is appropriate), and provide examples for each area of, to ensure recognition is given for all selected areas:

Inclusive Leadership and Inspiring Change

Kwynsky Miguel, Alpha Gamma Delta - Inclusive Leadership

2024 Panhellenic Council - Inspiring Change

Organization Awards 

Fraternity/Sorority Chapter of the Year

This award is given to a chapter that excels in all of the following areas: Leadership and Member Development, Organizational Operations, Community Service and Engagement, and Academic and Intellectual Advancement. In addition, this chapter has positively contributed to both fraternity and sorority life as well as the Lehigh community. This chapter served as role models for their fellow members and led by example. 

Sorority - Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

Fraternity - Sigma Phi Delta

Outstanding Philanthropic Effort 

This award is given to an organization that has gone above and beyond in supporting a cause, effort, or agency in a sustainable and meaningful way.   This is typically represented by groups who recognize the nature of philanthropy as efforts to raise both awareness and support (e.g. financial, goods, time, and energy), while collaborating with others for a shared purpose.  Efforts that are distinguished in this category can be either ongoing or one-time programs.

Delta Chi

Commitment to Service 

This award recognizes meaningful service efforts and action where participants gain exposure, develop an understanding, and respond to the needs of the community voice.  This typically includes building and developing positive relationships, developing active citizens, and incorporating reflection.  These criteria, when established and achieved, are indicative of dedicated efforts to create and inspire sustainable change.  Efforts that are distinguished in this category can be either ongoing or one-time programs.

Alpha Gamma Delta

Program of Distinction

This award is given to an organization that is proud of a particularly successful event, program, or effort they executed in the past academic year.  Consideration will be given to those efforts that incorporated collaboration, innovation, and/or education components as well as addressed a problem and/or met a need.  

Phi Sigma Chi Multicultural Fraternity, Inc. - Homophobia in Greek Life

Chi Phi - Narcan Distribution Program

We would also like to recognize and thank the numerous staff, alumni, and students that help to support the Fraternity and Sorority community at Lehigh--thank you!