Planning National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) wasn't a simple task. With help from many of our peers and advisors, we spent a lot of time researching NHPW, including the programming and events that other universities do on their campuses during the week. It was important to choose programming that would be relevant and effective for the Lehigh culture, and our planning committee took this into account. The last thing we wanted to do was to utilize scare tactics or outdated programming. We thought that an interactive speaker focusing on a proactive approach to hazing prevention would be best received on campus, so after some negotiation with outside sources, we were able to finally decide on Hank Nuwer. Hank is nationally recognized for his ability to connect with students. Additionally, Hank had previously visited campus and was extremely well-received, which made our decision to invite him even easier. Aside from choosing Hank, we also very selectively chose promotional materials. We chose "Hidden Harm" posters that would relate to the situations of students at the University and would be noticeable around campus. Similarly, we chose buttons and ribbons that students will appreciate and wear in support of NHPW. Through planning NHPW, we were able to identify countless hazing prevention programming ideas to use at Lehigh. We hope to offer more programming throughout the academic year, even after NHPW has passed.
Rae Williams, '10, Panhellenic Council VP Judicial
Planning and facilitating National Hazing Prevention Week has been a very interesting experience over the past few weeks. Other than working on the general organization of the week and administrative tasks, it has given me a chance to reflect on the issues surrounding hazing and how it is pertinent to the Lehigh culture. The planning process provided the opportunity to reflect on my Lehigh career and my own personal views on hazing. I certainly learned a great deal more about the subject and its implications, as well as gained the opportunity to discuss the issues with a variety of peers and administrators in settings rarely available. I hope that students from around campus will benefit from the activities scheduled this week and, if nothing else, take the opportunity to reflect on how hazing has played a role in their own lives and perhaps use this week as a stepping stone for the future.
Avi Lessner, '10, Interfraternity Council Judicial Chair