Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Greek EMerging Leaders Program

Monday, October 19, 2009
Pink Week!
This week Lehigh's Panhellenic Council is celebrating the 5th Annual Panhellenic Pink Week to raise awareness for breast cancer. Proceeds from each event will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Please show your support for the following events:
Monday, October 19th:
"Bouncing for Breast Cancer" 9am - 6pm, UC Front Lawn (Pi Beta Phi & Chi Phi)
Tuesday, October 20th:
"Bouncing for Breast Cancer" 9am - 4pm, UC Front Lawn (Pi Beta Phi & Chi Phi)
"50 Hour See Saw Marathon" 4pm - 12am, UC Front Lawn (Alpha Omicron Pi & Sigma Chi)
"Cheers for a Cure" 6pm - 8pm, Gander Room (Colleges Against Cancer)
Wednesday, October 21st:
"50 Hour See Saw Marathon" 12am - 12am, UC Front Lawn (Alpha Omicron Pi & Sigma Chi)
"Pink Night" 5pm - 7pm, Rathbone & Cort Dining Rooms (Panhellenic Council & Student Senate)
Thursday, October 22nd:
"50 Hour See Saw Marathon" 12am - 6pm, UC Front Lawn (Alpha Omicron Pi & Sigma Chi)
"Pink Pumpkin Decorating" 12:30pm - 3:30pm, Lamberton Hall (Alpha Chi Omega & the Women's Center)
"Walk for a Cure" 4:15pm - 5pm, Delta Phi (Alpha Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, & Delta Phi)
"Real Men Wear Pink Fashion Show" 5pm - 7pm, PA 101 (Panhellenic Council, University Productions, WLVR)
"Strykes for Tykes" 9:30pm - 11am, Town & Country Lanes (Alpha Gamma Delta & Theta Chi)
Friday, October 23rd:
"Pink Lunch" 11am - 1pm, Johnny's Bagels (Gamma Phi Beta & Kappa Alpha Theta)
Saturday, October 24th:
"Pink Week Dodgeball Tournament" 4pm - 7pm, Grace Hall (ASA & Theta Chi)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Expansion at Lehigh
Lambda Sigma Upsilon - By Mario Paredes, '11, President
Starting a new chapter of Lambda Sigma Upsilon was a year long process that was not easy, but the benefits are already paying off. In the summer of 2008, current Vice President Randy Tavarez, '10, gathered a group of guys who were in search of an organization on campus that would fill our thirst for diversity, and in fall 2008 we began our recognition process.
With a limited number of options, we felt that it was in our best interest to found a new chapter of Lambda Sigma Upsilon at Lehigh University. With hard work and dedication, we began putting together paper work required for both Lehigh and our national headquarters. We then went through a long and vigorous process of putting together presentations for the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (OFSA), the Panhellenic Council, and the Interfraternity Council in order to gain recognition on campus. We were officially established as the new Uman Chapter of Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity Inc on April 18, 2009 and since then we have been actively engaged in various events on and off campus.
Our goal this year is to establish our names around the Lehigh community and give students another options when it comes to Greek life. We want to collaborate with as many different organizations around campus as possible. We want students to know that our organization is for everyone, even if you never thought about joining Greek life at Lehigh. We are the most diverse fraternity in the nation and we are looking to spread this idea of open-mindedness here at Lehigh.
So far the OFSA has been very helpful in guiding us in the right direction in becoming a well-respected and established chapter and we are excited to be taking part in the new pilot Accreditation process. Our chapter is still new and small, but with the development of the Multicultural Greek Council and the help and support of many others around campus, we are ready to make a big impact.

Lambda Sigma Upsilon Fraternity
Delta Chi - By Tim Malacrida, '10, President
Starting a new fraternity at Lehigh has been far from easy. Designing and testing the basic operating procedures for a group which is supposed to mesh together and operate successfully is, however, a challenge that has been met by the founding fathers of the Lehigh Colony of Delta Chi.
Excellent alumni support, advising from headquarters staff, and OFSA assistance in all matters have marked the early portion of the founding experience. Over the past six months, the brothers of Delta Chi have worked tirelessly and embraced one another and built bonds that I myself did not think would exist at this point. The members have striven for greater accomplishments and continue to set lofty goals for themselves and their brothers.
Defining the fraternal experience at Delta Chi's Lehigh Colony has been a rich and rewarding experience, providing important life lessons, and opening up the eyes of men who did not know each other to the potential life-long bonds that might exist with shared goals and values.