Sigma Phi Epsilon is hosting the Balanced Man Scholarship, which is offered to first-year male students who had a 3.25 or higher in high school. Scholarships are given in check form for $650 to finalists.
For more information, see below for a message from the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon. To obtain a copy of the application, please email .
Congratulations on your acceptance as
a student in the class of 2018! Becoming a member of the Lehigh family is an
honor, and a testament to your success both inside the classroom and out. For
this reason we would like to invite you to apply for our Balanced Man
Since 1996, the Lehigh University
chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon has annually awarded the Balanced Man Scholarship
to freshman men who best exemplify the ideals of our national fraternity. These
ideals – being a gentleman, an athlete, a leader, and a scholar – represent our
concept of a Balanced Man. He is a man who strives for excellence in all of
life’s endeavors and who commits himself to the importance of academic
excellence, leadership, and dedication to health and well‐being.
SigEp, founded in 1901, was built
upon the principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love. Today, it has
grown to become the largest national fraternity, including more than 14,000
undergraduates on nearly 250 campuses nation‐wide. One reason for our national
success has been the support of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation;
SigEp maintains over 400 chapter scholarship funds and endowments used to
provide over $200,000 in scholarships such as this one. Our awards are run
independently of the Lehigh Office of Financial Aid, and the awards are given
as check prizes.
If you feel you are committed to the
SigEp ideal of Sound Mind and Sound Body, we encourage you to fill out and
return the Balanced Man Application. There will be three scholarships given out, each valued at $650. The application is attached, and it can also be downloaded
from our website, in the “Balanced Man” section. You can either mail the
completed form to the address below, or you can send a PDF or Word version to
the email addresses included in the letter. The deadline for submitting an
application is September 30, 2014
Once you have applied, members of
the Scholarship Committee will select applicants to move to the interview stage.
This meeting will serve as an opportunity to introduce ourselves and to
determine which candidates best exemplifies our concept of the Balanced Man. We
enjoy meeting the incoming class of Lehigh, and it is an excellent opportunity
for you to meet upperclassmen in the university’s Greek system. Membership in
the organization is not
required to apply for the Balanced Man Scholarship.
We hope that you are interested in
our scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact us personally at the
numbers or email addresses listed below. Thank you very much, and good luck.
Jeevan Jain-Cocks
Vice President of Recruitment
Balanced Man Scholarship
Chapter President