Hazing Prevention Week will be a time to educate Lehigh’s Greek community as well as the campus community as a whole about the dangers of hazing and how to prevent hazing. Our focus is on holding honest dialogue with all participants throughout the week in order tailor hazing prevention programming leading into the new member education period in the spring.
Monday, October 4th
Event: “Haze Documentary”
Time & Location: Lewis Lab 270 at 6:30pm
The documentary “Haze” will be shown. Following the documentary, we will break out into small group discussions (2-3 breakout rooms upstairs) with an initial facilitation by Tim Wilkinson, Director of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, in order to discuss the major themes.
Tuesday, October 5th
Event: Speaker Reception
Time & Location: Multicultural Room at 6pm-7pm
Meet and greet with refreshments served in order to welcome Travis Apgar to campus.
Monday, October 4th
Event: “Haze Documentary”
Time & Location: Lewis Lab 270 at 6:30pm
The documentary “Haze” will be shown. Following the documentary, we will break out into small group discussions (2-3 breakout rooms upstairs) with an initial facilitation by Tim Wilkinson, Director of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, in order to discuss the major themes.
Tuesday, October 5th
Event: Speaker Reception
Time & Location: Multicultural Room at 6pm-7pm
Meet and greet with refreshments served in order to welcome Travis Apgar to campus.
Event: Travis Apgar, Speaker - "Hazing: The Fallout"
Time & Location: Packard 101 at 7pm
Travis’ keynote, “Hazing: The Fallout”, is a fresh, new look at hazing from the perspective of a victim with a background that contributed to the severity of the impact. Travis’ emotional and powerful story is a wake-up call about the hidden harm of hazing.
Wednesday, October 6th
Event: Book discussion of “Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities”
Time & Location: MG 101 at 6pm
Each sorority chapter will send at least 3 members to attend this book discussion. In advance, passages from the book will be selected and passed out to the attendees of the discussion. These passages will guide our discussion about the major themes of “Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities” which will be facilitated by Michelle Issadore from the Women’s Center. The discussion will be focused on the harmful effects of hazing on sorority women including (but not limited to) negative body image and substance abuse.
Thursday, October 7th
Event: New Member Educator Discussion
Time & Location: MG 113 6pm
Samantha Bello (Panhellenic VP Judicial), Lauren Koenig (Panhellenic President), Stu Harwood (IFC VP Judicial), and Brian Casey (IFC President) will oversee a discussion between the new member educators of each Lehigh chapter. The discussion will kick off with a role play debate run by Tim Wilkinson. Upon completion of these activities, an open, honest discussion with new member educators will occur regarding their concerns about hazing.
Questions about Hazing Prevention Week?
Contact Samantha Bello or Stuart Harwood.