Friday, October 12, 2018

Feature Friday: Nadia Michalewski, Kappa Delta

Applying to be an Orientation Leader is easily the best decision I have made at Lehigh so far. Becoming a part of the Office of First Year Experience staff is an experience unlike any other, and I believe my previous experience in Greek Life really helped me begin to develop skills that I was able to hone by being an OL.

When I first joined Kappa Delta, I was looking to step out of my comfort zone to make new relationships with the people around me. What I did not expect was to feel welcomed from the first second I walked into the house. This amazing group of girls I call my sisters helped my quiet self to slowly open up. I had new friends to study with in the library, to make delicious nachos with, and to create new memories. I had no idea the positive impact my chapter would begin to have on my communication skills and academic ability. Through the love and support of my sisters, I knew I had what it took to be an OL.

When I finally did become an OL and started training, I had no idea how impactful it would be. I first learned how to facilitate to a large group, which meant further developing my communication skills when working with others. This then helped me improve my leadership skills as I guided first-years through a smooth transition into the Lehigh community.

It was such a rewarding experience that really meant a lot to me. I became a part of something bigger than myself while making 80 new amazing friends in the process. Each person had a great personality along with a different aspect of the Lehigh community to showcase. The energy everyone brought to each and every meeting always left me with a smile on my face and so many memories that I will always cherish. Not only that, but being able to mentor a group of first-years and help them become more comfortable and familiar with the campus, made me feel like I had really accomplished something great.

Now, I take what I have learned back not only to the Greek community, but the Lehigh community as a whole. I gained so much more confidence not only in my ability to lead and mentor, but in myself as a person. I have a whole new group of friends I call my family and know that they will always be there for me as I am always there for them. From having deep and real conversations, to breaking out into random dance parties in the middle of the day, I would never change a thing about my experience as an Orientation Leader. My experiences as a member of the OFYE staff and our Greek community shaped who I am and help define my Lehigh experience.

Keep an eye out for Orientation Leader applications and be sure to apply!!