Monday, March 30, 2020

Theta Xi Alumni Association President Obituary

Mark McAlpine
November 20, 1962 - March 12, 2020

From our current Theta Xi chapter members:

It is with a heavy Theta Xi heart that we mourn the loss of Mark McAlpine, our current Alumni Association President. 

We met Mark at one of the first alumni barbecues that we've had in a long time. Immediately, we knew that he was a brother who was here to help all those around him. His strong leadership became apparent quickly as he stepped up to help the chapter. 

Mark was someone who everyone in the house respected immensely. He was able to cut right to the center of the problems and was key in helping us turn our house around. Mark will be sorely missed by the Eta Chapter of Theta Xi. 

Mark was elected Theta Xi Alumni Association President in August 2019. During his time as President, he was instrumental in drafting new Association bylaws, working directly with us toward chapter progress, and bringing leadership and order to the new alumni board. His fraternity meant a lot to him, and his overwhelming dedication over this past year has been impressive. 

Mark graduated in 1984 as a Mechanical Engineering major. He also received a M.S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Lehigh in 1996, a Law Degree from Temple University, and was admitted to the Pennsylvania State Bar Association in 2008. He was a licensed pilot, marksman, and Deputy State Game Warden. 

Mark is survived by two daughters and 600 fraternity brothers. 

We will miss you, Mark. 

The full obituary can be accessed here: